


Have you been looking into Registered Nurse programs, or even accelerated RN programs? 也许你已经是一名注册护士,但你想要提升你的职业生涯. RN to BSN程序s generally provide an excellent foundation for leadership roles, 更多的薪水, 管理职位.

一篇文章 护理杂志—a social community for nurses worldwide—delves into the many benefits of obtaining a 护理学学士学位 (BSN) degree. 下面bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载从他们的名单中列出了一些bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载最喜欢的!

1. 更多的薪水. 根据, “Registered nurses holding BSN degrees can expect to earn higher salaries than those with associate’s degrees or diplomas. 这是推动BSN预许可项目注册人数增加的关键因素, and is cited as the number one reason why licensed RNs return to school for RN to BSN completion programs.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) statistics from January 2014 revealed that the average salary* for an RN was $66,620, 而接受过bsn教育的注册护士的平均收入为75美元,484.”

2. 更广泛的护理职业. 护士杂志的文章强调了BSN学位的重要性. They state that a bachelor’s degree is essential when it comes to enrolling in many graduate nursing programs: “Four of the highest paying nursing jobs—nurse practitioner, 护士助产士, 护士麻醉师和临床专科护士——要求你有BSN.” They also add that a BSN degree is usually necessary if a nurse would like to move from basic clinical care to administration or teaching roles.

3. 学习更多的临床技能. 如果您获得BSN,您将获得临床护理基础以外的技能. BSN curriculums tend to also focus on communication, critical thinking, and leadership skills. 根据护士杂志, knowledge in each area is essential if you would like to gain higher paying jobs with added responsibilities. 护理杂志 also notes that the American Association of the Colleges of Nursing (AACN) 认可BSN学位 作为专业护理实践的教育要求.

4. 提供更好的病人护理. 但情况并非总是如此, 一般来说, 拥有BSN学位的注册护士可能会提供更好的病人护理. 《bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载》是这样解释的:“AACN 收集了大量的研究 that indicates that higher nursing education makes a major difference in clinical outcomes. 拥有BSN的护士对病人的治疗效果更好, 包括更低的死亡率和更低的抢救失败率. The research also indicates that BSN holders have higher proficiency in making good diagnoses.”

5. 在医院工作的机会更大. 美国护士协会(ANA)授予某些护士a “磁铁”称号. 这一地位受到医院的高度追捧, and one of the requirements of the designation is the education level of the nursing staff. 根据护士杂志, the “ANA requires that 75% of nurse managers have a BSN as of Jan. 在2011年1月1日之前,100%必须拥有BSN. 1, 2013.”

6. 更多的职业发展机会. Earning a BSN degree can open your career to intriguing specialties in areas like pediatrics, 妇科, 手术, 肿瘤学, 糖尿病, 精神病学, 等. An RN with a BSN will no longer be limited in their opportunities for career advancement. 在这个竞争日益激烈的世界, BSN学位只会增加你找到理想工作的机会!

7. 高等教育可能是未来的需求. Another benefit of obtaining your BSN degree now is that doing so may actually become a requirement in the future. 护理杂志 elaborates on this potential prerequisite: “The Institute of Medicine (IOM) 发表了一项研究 关于护理专业. 该机构建议,到2020年,BSN持有量将从50%增加到80%. 护士们被强烈鼓励去获得BSN 在获得文凭或副学士学位后的五年内.

The AACN is following the recommendations of the IOM and is also making the same recommendation. 这些大的, 受尊敬的医疗机构提出了这些建议, bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域的雇主也倾向于效仿他们. This means that many healthcare employers could require that their nurses earn their BSN by 2020.”


普罗沃提供了 BSN程序 可以在这些医疗机构中成为一名注册护士, 其中包括:复杂和重症监护, 急症护理, 长期护理, 社区卫生护理, 学校护理, 家庭健康. Of course, obtaining a BSN degree will prepare you to sit for the NCLEX-RN licensure examination.


  • 病人护理
  • 护理学基础
  • 药理学
  • 治疗性治疗干预
  • 医疗/外科护理学
  • 领导
  • 心理健康护理
  • 母婴和儿科护理
  • 执照考试准备
